Tag Archives: psoriasis

Propolis Cream – Healing in a Tube?

Forever Living Propolis Cream

A unique blend of aloe vera, bee propolis, vitamins A & D

Collected by bees and used to seal hives, propolis has been used for thousands of years by natural practitioners as an antibacterial agent but has, until recently been largely forgotten.

It’s a natural, sticky resin type substance and varies in composition depending on where and when it was produced.

Forever Living Products have taken this fantastic substance, known for its healing and medicinal properties and blended it with an aloe vera base, combined with camomile, vitamins A & E for a superior quality, rich and luxurious cream, designed for everyday use.

Many people with “harsh on the hands” jobs or hobbies (think nurses, plumbers, gardeners & builders) use it as a barrier cream and love its rich, luxurious feel, keeping skin supple, moisturised and protected.

The combined healing properties of the propolis and aloe vera have been particularly experienced by people suffering from skin conditions such as psoriasis and eczema.  Cold sore sufferer? Apply Propolis Cream instead of over-the-counter preparations for a more effective treatment.

Get your FREE sample if you’re suffering from a similar condition and want to try it for yourself. Contact us here

What Can Help with Psoriasis?

Psoriasis on the face

Psoriasis on the face

I have had Psoriasis since my teenage years. For some reason, it appeared mostly on my face, which as you can imagine is very embarrassing. I would get very dry, scaly red patches on either side of my nose, around my forehead and chin area. They would really itch and sometimes bleed if I couldn’t stop myself from scratching.

As expected, the doctor gave me betnovate steroid cream, which I used for a few years but it didn’t really help that much. When I requested a repeat prescription one day, the doctor said that he couldn’t give me this any more as you are not supposed to use it on the face as it thins the skin and therefore is exposing the skin to harmful rays and could result in cancer later in life….great!!! So, after that, I was on my own quest to find something to help.

I tried so many creams….E45, Sudocrem and many more – I think I was single-handedly keeping Boots in business; I spent hundreds of £’s and nothing worked; they usually made it worse. I started to try and hide it with make up, but my skin was so dry, that didn’t really help either.

I eventually ended up with a range from Boots which wasn’t too bad and mostly helped the dryness. I could live with it, but it never completely took away the itchiness though and I would have flare ups every now and then, especially when I was stressed. At one point, everyone kept staring at me as it was so red and inflamed and a few people were even concerned that I had been burnt. By now I was in my 30’s and it was just a part of life.

Fast forward to September 2011 when I was introduced to Forever Living Products’ aloe vera.  I had absolutely no idea that you could drink it and that it works by healing from the inside. Psoriasis means that you have an over active immune system and aloe vera helps to re balance it. I’d tried everything else, so what did I have to lose?

I started drinking the plain Aloe Vera Gel and in the first couple of weeks, there was a little improvement and then, on the third week, it actually got even worse! I was told that this was the ‘healing crisis’ and to persevere as the aloe vera was pushing all the rubbish from the inside to the surface and that new cells were forming. I really want to stop taking the aloe vera, but was told that this would only last 5-10 days. So out came the make up again to hide my face. As promised, it gradually got better and now I will never look back!!! I have not had one bad day in a year! Thank you aloe vera….I love you. Why didn’t I find you when I was 14 years old?? I could have saved myself an awful lot of heartache!

I will never be without it again and, an added bonus, the aloe vera has so many nutrients in it, it actually works as a supplement my diet.